You may promptly access to the answers of the frequently asked questions as listed below.
1. How can I place an order?
Please contact us at 080 393 1111 for arranging a pickup.
2. How can I check the status/location of my shipment?
You can check it on our website http://www.sf-express.com/kr/en/.Type in the tracking number under "Track and Trace", click "Search", and you will have the information of your shipment. Besides, you can contact us at our hotline 080 393 1111 for inquiry as well.
3. How can I check the transit time and freight charge of the shipments?
On our website http://www.sf-express.com/kr/en/ under "Shipping", there is a "Get Transit Time" and "Get Rate", you can check the transit time and freight charge there. Besides, you can contact us at our hotline 080 393 1111 for inquiry as well.
4. How can I know whether my consignee's address is within SF's service coverage?
Please visit our website http://www.sf-express.com/kr/en/, go to "Service Coverage" to check. Besides, you can contact us at our hotline 080 393 1111 for inquiry as well.
5. My shipment is 2kg in weight only. Why am I charged for 5kg?
There is an actual weight and a volumetric weight for each shipment. If the volumetric weight is higher than the actual weight, the freight charge will be calculated based on the volumetric weight. According to the International Air Transport Association (IATA), for shipments delivered by air, the volumetric weight is calculated by the formula: length×width×height (cm) ÷ 5,000 (cm³/kg). SF Express helps customers save more by applying the volumetric weight factor of 6,000 (cm³/kg). Standard Express and Economy Express adjust volumetric weight divisor from 6000 to 5000. The shipping rate is determined by the actual weight or the volumetric weight, whichever is greater.
6. How will you deal with the shipment if it fails to be delivered because the consignee is out-of-reach?
We will make re-delivery attempt or the consignee can follow the instruction of 'Delivery Absence Notice' to arrange free re-delivery. If delivery attempt fails again or the consignee cannot be contacted, we will notify and seek advice from the shipper.
7. Can you call and make an appointment with the consignee before delivery?
Normally we will arrange delivery directly to the delivery address. If there are special circumstances under which you need us to make appointment with the consignee before delivery, please contact us at our hotline 080 393 1111 to make the request. We will try our best to meet your need.
8. Why does the courier unpack the shipments to check every time?
SF Express unpacks in order to check the content and quantity of the shipments, which is a responsible act not only to the customers, but also to ensure the safety and timely arrival of the shipments. As some commodities might do harm to other shipments during transportation, or transportation of some commodities is restricted by the government (e.g. explosive or inflammable goods). Under air transport regulations, customs authorities and airport security force will check on all air shipments. If restricted or prohibited items are found, customs authorities will detain or even destroy the shipments. Our act of checking aims to protect customers' interest from avoidable troubles or lost.