Notice on Service Schedule during Thanksgiving Holiday
Dear valued customers,
Thank you very much for your continued support and trust to SF Express.
SF Express Korea would like to notify you of our service schedule as follows during Korean Thanksgiving Holiday.30 Sep 1 Oct 2 Oct 3 Oct 4 Oct 5 Oct 6 Oct 7 Oct 8 Oct 9 Oct Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Temporary Holiday Foundation Day Thanksgiving Day Thanksgiving Day Substitute holiday Hangul Proclamation Day Morning Service - Morning Service - - - - Morning Service - - * Morning Service: 09:00 ~ 12:30
It is expected that we may see a large influx of shipments before and after the holiday. We strongly suggest that you prepare shipments and place orders in advance.We will resume to normal business on 10th Oct.For detailed information about our service schedule, please contact our customer service hotline at 080 393 1111.
Thank you and SF wishes you a very happyand sweet holiday to you and your family.SF Express Korea