• SF continues to provide services amid the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic to support the needs of our customers. Our goal is to ensure that our customers’ shipping needs are met as the demand for air cargo capacity increases. To better manage the surge in demand for air cargo capacity and the increase in maintain service costs, SF will adjust the Temporary Emergency Surcharges (TES) on shipments worldwide. [查看详情]

  • 感谢您对顺丰国际业务一直以来的支持与信任。为提升运营效率,促进业务的长远发展,给用户带来更好的国际物流服务体验,顺丰国际将针对越南进出口的国际快递类产品:国际标快(SE), 国际标快+(SE+), 国际特惠 (EE) 的产品公开价格进行调整。 新资费将于2022年1月1日生效。调整后的服务运费及每月更新的国际燃油费率可在我司官方网站通过 “运费时效查询”查阅。 [查看详情]